With Friends week reaching Hump Day we are proud to bring you the most underrated and classic "friends" related hip hop songs out there.
2pac - If My Homies Call
Man 2Pac passed before his time. Any track he lays down is pure gold.
2Pac - Homeboyz
Just another one of 2Pac's brilliance
You will always remember this song. It doesn't matter how old you are.
MF DOOM - Deep Friend Frenz
KRS-ONE-A Friend
Homies Over Hoes
Ain't No Fun (If The Homies Can't Have None)
Jurassic 5 Featuring Nelly Furtado-Thin Line
Lil Kim, Left Eye, Missy Elliott, Angie Martinez-Not Tonight
JUST FOR THE LADIES. The women have to hang out too. They have homies too!
Scarface Featuring 2Pac and Master P-Homies and Thugs
But just remember to keep things in perspective and not take your friends for granted, cause one day, they could be gone in a heartbeat... ...Master P: I Really Miss My Homies
So from a couple of friends to everybody, take the time out to thank your friends for being out there getting your back all day every day. That is why we created Friends week, to make everyone realize and appreciate their friends. Fortunately for us, we will showing our appreciation to our homies on Friday for our homie's birthday. Tune in tomorrow for DOOMSDAY: A tribute to one Mark Dumadag and keep checkin' out Nutcheck Videos for more sights and sounds... Much Love!
In honor of Friends week, Nutcheck videos bring you the best show about a group of Friends out there. There was no sitcom without Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe. So NCV counts down to the Top 10 Best FRIENDS scenes and episodes.
10. The Brad Pitt Episode Premise: Brad Pitt is Ross' friend from high school who hated Rachel. It boils over Thanksgiving dinner which prompts them to reveal the I HATE RACHEL GREEN club as well as a funny high school rumor. Rachel turns the table by one upping Ross by making fun of her relationship with an old librarian.
9. MY EYES MY EYES!!! Premise: Ross shows Rachel and Phoebe his new apartment only for Phoebe to see Monica and Chandler doing it and scream in horror!
8. I'm very bendy... Premise: Chandler finally breaks and tells everyone about how he feels about Monica. They all knew already but decided to play a game to see who would break first. Quite a romantic scene too.
7. Rachel and Monica Kiss Premise: The gals lost their apartment to Joey and Chandler only to have them switch it back while they went to a Knicks game. Chandler, angry and determined to switch back see Monica and Rachel open the door for one last proposition
6. I Want A Flabby Stomach and Saggy Man Breasts Premise: Chandler wants to quit the gym and gets help from Ross. Well not really thanks to Maria.
5. I Love You Premise: Chandler hates Thanksgiving and Monica does something to help his mood be better only for Chandler to blurt out those three words...
Shanezoola's Funniest Part of this video: When Monica's turkey head turns around after Chandler says I LOVE YOU in slow mo.
4. Transponster! Premise: A friendly wager turns it into a bet for the rooster/duck vs. the apartment
3. You just broke my fridge! Premise: Joey's fridge breaks and eats everything and tries to get Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe and Ross to pay the $400
2. The One With The Engagement Picture Premise: Chandler's retarded smile ruins their engagement picture. I was laughing for days!
1. WORST PORN EVER. WORST PORN EVER! Premise: Valentine's Day and Chandler thinks Monica got him porn but it ended up being something very very very different.
Keep tuning in to NCV especially tomorrow where we do HIP HOP HOMIES salute. From all of us thanks for viewing!
With some hits about your friends. We'll keep it goin' until Friday when we all gather for the Doom's Birthday Bash! Until then, enjoy the vids...
Brandy: Best Friend
Brandy was puttin' out tracks in the 90's. What the hell happened?
Green Day: Poprocks and Coke
Solid friend video. Green Day is always brilliant!
Monica: For You I Will
Shoulda added this last night, but still a solid song.
Even takin' it waaaaay back... Anne Murray: You Needed Me
Phil Collins: You'll Be In My Heart
Phil Collins ruled the world in the 80's. No denying that.
Keep tuning in to friends week leading up to birthday central for our friend Mark D. Tomorrow: The 10 Greatest Friends scenes/episodes created by the NCV Wednesday: Hip Hop Friends Thursday: Doom(s) DAY!!! Our ode to one Mark Dumadag
Settin friends week off right with some classic friends shout out videos. What would we do without em', you guys got my back no matter what this goes out to you.
The NCV crew is back after a 1 week hiatus due to an illness by the Zoo and busy bodies of trying to grind out life between the three of us. But rest asure, we will continue to provide the people with the best videos out there. This week is going to be a salute to friends week. It will all be capped off with our buddy Mark Dumadag's birthday celebration at Agenda on Friday night. So from now until Friday, when all the homies get together and celebrate, keep viewing the blog everyday for our theme of friends and see what we come up with. Tonight, we're gonna go with the slow jams, dedicated to friends, or if your lover happens to be your best friend. Enjoy the songs
Just the sweet sound of Musiq Soulchild just catches you with this timeless classic. Its a song you can groove to, and would probably love to sing to that special someone. Even if you just met her for the first time.
Luther Vandross, Whitney Houston, Dionne Warwick and Stevie Wonder-That's What Friends Are For
Arguably the greatest set of talent in one stage singing a song. Listen to Stevie Wonder change the chorus to the lyrics. Classic. Man imagine if Dionne Warwick didn't waste her time tryin' to be a psychic, or Whitney stayed off the crack? Luther was just mind-numbingly sensational. Watching and listening to this song gave me goosebumps.
Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans-Count On Me
Listen to the entire lyrics. It really defines what friendship is all about. Yeah it sounds to cheesy, but you know what, its a great song. Great combination. Everytime i hear this song, i want to exhale like the girls from Waiting To Exhale.
Vitamin C-Friends Forever
Think back to your graduation? Remember this song? MACTINO, you remember this on our graduation? Man Vitamin C will always be known for this song. I will always remember the orange hair.
Mariah Carey-Hero
Mariah at her best. And MACTINO, you are my hero. I love you my friend. Yeah I said it.
Those are just some of the jams for tonight. Enjoy them and add them to your Ipod if you haven't heard of them in a while. Tune in tomorrow for another friends related theme. Let me take the time out to say that I love my homies. Much love people!
One of my favorite shows out right now is MTV's America's Best Dance crews, and since it's competition week we want the people to decide on which dance videos is better than the other.
Here is a complete, hilarious and very entertaining recap of our All-Star weekend. It all started Friday Night with some dinner with a few home slices. Whilst at the Elephant Bar, me and the Dooms and I discussed the upcoming trade deadline and what our respective teams should do. For my Bulls, get rid of Ben Wallace's expiring contract, while my counterparts shone the fact that Ron Artest needed to go. After a couple of long island ice teas, a cranberry w/ vodka and a kamikazi shot later (not all me), Lil and Mute showed up. The usual hellos, and then our table was called. Sorry to Lil and Mute for not waiting for you gals to get your drinks and letting those two creepy Mexican dudes hit on you. Whatchu think about that Charles Barkley?
We were seated and a wager was placed to see if Zack wore a muscle shirt. He did not disappoint. After sliding my shot glass across the table and getting a lecture about having hit a kid who may have been walking by, everyone finally got their food, except me. How long does it take to cook salmon? "You set it and forget it"
That was a fun way to start all-star weekend, but everyone had to jam. Personally, I was tired. So we took a pic before parting. Lemme introduce to you (from left) Mark (1/2 of the Legion of Doom), Liz (AKA Mute, AKA The Legend Killer), Lilia (The Office Manager Formerly Known As Lilia Padilla), Zack Attack, the Zoo, and Chris (the other half of the Legion of Doom)
Saturday was all about the All-Star festivities and Little LeBrandon's Birthday at the Cortes residence. When we got there, we partook in all different types of food and enjoyed each others' company. But first there was the matter of one Dwight Howard. Many had oohs and aahs about his first dunk, or the Superman dunk but to me his bounce off the backboard in midair dunk was his best of the night.
I just have to credit myself for recognizing what he did initially, then when the replay hit, the house went bananas!
Then it was time for the birthday boy... Baby Brandon. His first birthday and his dad's shenanigans... Here's the pics:
Getting ready to blow the candles!
Happy Birthday to you!
Here it comes...
Dammit Daddy!
Just so Baby B has proof when the day comes when he has to choose if he's gonna sent his dad to a Nursing home.
At night, we endulged in a game of poker with the peeps and the boys came back with an indulging game of beer pong to defend my title. You know when I first played it the Somera house, I thought it was pure luck. But Saturday night, in the words of one Dan Patrick...
Need proof?
Bryon Russell and Craig Ehlo
More clutch than MJ!
Remind you of someone?
The Agony of Defeat
There's only one song to commemorate this pic...
Zack Attack and Sir Stevematic took a whirl...
...But couldn't see me...
I couldn't be more on fire. To end this evening, I give you my commemorative pose and a quick music video montage to my beer pong magic...
I GOT...
Sunday came and to finish out the weekend, we witnessed an entertaining ass All-Star Game. We saw Lebron from a nice alley oop from Kidd, and Amare dunkin' on Howard. But peep the last highlight on this vid for the most ridiculous drive and dunk of the night.
Dirk was so posterized he thought the entire East team was wearing Warrior jerseys.
But of course to cap it off... NCV Lovin' Life!
The Dooms
Used my left hand just like Carlos Boozer
Next shindig... Birthday Bash for the Doom
I'd like to thank Lil, the Legend Killer, Zack Attack, the Cortes clan, the beer pong squads, the Legion of Doom, and my tag team partner MACTINO for makin' All-Star weekend happen. See ya at the next one...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GREATEST SPORTS ICON IN THE HISTORY OF SPORTS ICONS. He is a God among basketball heads. He is the one you speak of when you first mention the word hoops. A living legend. A hero. The one you imitate counting down to zero while hitting a fadeaway jumper. The one that makes you even thrive under pressure situations. Finally, the one you grew up idolizing and wanting to be. We are going against the schedule to bring you "Competition Week" on the NCV and who better to start off with than the greatest competitor in history. Michael Jordan. So for his birthday, we are dedicating and posting NCV's 23 greatest Michael Jordan highlights. Since we separate ourselves from the norm of posting vids that everyone knows about, the kicker to this countdown is we are not using the following highlights: the switcharoo vs. the Lakers in the 91 Finals, the Craig Ehlo and Bryon Russell shot in the 98 Finals in Utah, the free throw line dunk. So here's the list:
23. Alonzo Mourning gets a rude introduction
As great as a shot blocker Zo was during his time, MJ just posterized him with this jam.
22. One of his last game winners with the Wizards.
The victim=Shawn Marion. We'll see him again later in the countdown.
21. Mt. Mutombo conquered
Dikembe Mutombo always had the finger wave after his blocks, so Mike decides to give him a taste of his own medicine.
20. His defense
Many people forgot to realize that Mike can play the defense. Just ask Xavier McDaniel
19. Game Winner vs. Charlotte
Tie game. One who does not know a thing about basketball knows who's getting the ball?
18. The Steal AND ONE
Watch the first 20 seconds to know what I mean. Bill Laimbeer's a dick BTW!
17. Watch the 1:20 mark.
Poor Kelly Tripucka. He never had a chance.
16. Young Jordan on Ewing
There's gonna be plenty of these. I hate the Knicks!
15. Mike in the 2003 All-Star Game
He couldn't fly anymore, but still had that pretty fadeaway. Victim again is Shawn Marion.
14. On Ewing again... Not the one you're thinking of.
13. Double Nickel vs. Knicks
55 for the man wearin' the Four Five
12. Steve Smith looked like an idiot.
11. 86 Playoffs=63 Points
Specifically the 0:20 mark
10. Mike ends it with a trey vs. Detroit.
8. He Made This Shot Famous
Kobe does it. Wade does it. Everyone does it.
7. Crazy ass shot over Nets
Number one on the list.
6. The fist pump
5. Barkley just gave up
He always had a leg up against his best friend
4. Dunks then rubs his ass on Ewing's face.
Just keep watching
3. ON FIRE!!!
Cliff Robinson's face=Priceless
2. Where the F*CK did he come from?
1. Baseline vs. Knicks
The entire Knicks team's jock is lying there and the image will be embeded in their heads forever!
In honor of Love Week, we are dedicating the 25 greatest movie love/romantic scenes ever. Me and MACTINO are sensitive enough to think of a lot of movies and we've narrowed it down to the final 25. I know there's more, but here's our side of things. We pretty much just want to know that we cater to everyone, and we are able to show our sensitive side to all matters.
25. Casper
24. She's All That: Watching this movie showed me two things. The chick was hot the entire time and it showed how mean people could be. The stairs scene is something that a lot of people will always remember.
23. Aladdin: The magic carpet ride scene was truly a turning point to the film. The extraordinary soundtrack and song also added to the flare to such a romantic moment in a Disney film. If you weren't touched by this scene, you need to check if you're alive.
22. The Wood: "We ain't gettin' no studyin' done, you need to work on yo game anyway." What a line.
21. Pretty Woman: Sometimes you just gotta be treated like the high classed whore
20. Cruel Intentions: This was a sick, twisted, demented wonderfully horrible movie of lies, deceit, and incest. But at least the end the right people won and that evil bitch Sarah Michelle Gellar got what she deserved. Bittersweet Symphony made its debut too!
19. Con-Air: The song was absolutely amazing. It was just a man trying to come home to his wife and daughter. Just a beautiful moment.
18. Rocky: "YO ADRIAN!"
17. Mr and Mrs Smith: This is for those weird, s&m fans who like pain. The scene is totally hot!
16. Sixteen Candles: Not much I need to say about this one.
15. Say Anything: John Cusack with the stereo playing Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes. At one point in your life you wanted to do that.
14. Wedding Singer: The Grow Old With You skit was classic. First off Billy Idol was the perfect wingman. Two Sandler is always brilliant and finally if you're lady is as hot as Drew Barrymore, I would make an ass out of myself 30,000 feet high.
13. City of Angels: What a romantic scene. The line by Nicholas Cage sure would make all women and some men cry. Plus Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls was introduced. Quality scene matched with an even greater song.
12. Love and Basketball: For a hoops fan, this was sexy. India Arie's voice in the background added to the scene and it makes me want to reenact this scene with you Sue Bird of the Seattle Storm or Becky Hammon. I'm game baby.
Whenever I beat you Sue or Becky, "double or nothin"
11. The Bodyguard: Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston made it happen in this one, plus we hear the sheer brilliance of Whitney with arguably her greatest song ever!
10. The Notebook: Kiss in the rain. Do you really think we'd leave this off? Yes ladies we did sit down and watch this.
9. The Officer and the Gentleman: Richard Gere does it again. This time it wasn't Julia Roberts or a pet hamster or gerbil. I bet there are women out there right now waiting for their men to do this to them.
8. Poetic Justice: 2Pac+Janet=MAGIC! Plus we are introduced to Janet's Again
7. Ghost: Arguably one of the most memorable scenes ever. Plus we are introduced to the Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody.
Patrick Swayze=A MAN's MAN!
6. Dirty Dancing: Patrick Swayze does it again with one of the most memorable dance numbers in history. BTW, we doin' this on your wedding day MACTINO.
5. Robinhood Prince of Thieves: The Bryan Adams song just absolutely sweet movie.
4. My Girl: "The Kiss" Macaulay Culkin was out of his mind adorable. Such a sweet scene.
3. Jerry Macguire: You Complete Me and You Had Me At Hello. Man Tom Cruise is a nutjob now. I miss the Bob Seger singin, fish holdin' airplane flying guy. Not the couch jumper.
2. Karate Kid 2: The fight scene. If Kate Beckinsale was Kumiko then I would fight for her honor eight days a week.
1. Top Gun: What an unforgettable scene, plus Berlin's Take My Breath Away makes its only impact in history.
We hope you enjoyed our top 25. We hope you appreciated it as much as we had. I know we left off some classic scene, but in our mind, this is what stood out. Let the debates begin!
As dedication for the love holiday, we here at the NCV are putting out our individual Top 10 greatest love songs/slow jams of all time. Mind you these are just our favorites. There are thousands more that could've made the list but these are the ones that stood out. In a time of lovers and being with that special someone, we dedicate these to all of you. My boy MACTINO came out with some knockouts with his top ten. So in my opinion, these are Shanezoola's favorites.
10. Deele: On Two Occasions This song shows a young ass Babyface with this timeless classic. Such a simple enough romantic song. Plus that S Curl added more to the flare. This song just added on to the legend that is Babyface.
9. Jodeci: Love U 4 Life What a great song! The video was even better. A wedding scene was truly perfect for this song. If you were a true Jodeci fan, you would know most or all the words to this song.
8. Joe: I Believe In You One of those true romantic songs. If you ever want to dedicate a slow jam to your lady, this is truly the song.
7. Shai: Baby I'm Yours This song is at its best when acapella. This group was one of the most underrated groups of my era. I can still remember the Family Matters episode where Urkel serenaded Laura to this song.
6. Sisqo: Incomplete This is one of those songs that puts it all in perspective. No matter how much money, power or fame you get, without that special someone to share it with, it is worthless.
5. Blackstreet: Before I Let You Go Teddy Riley=brilliant. Blackstreet was one of the best R&B groups in the 90's and was comin' out with hit after hit but this song separated itself from the rest.
4. Stevie Wonder: Ribbons In The Sky I'm not gonna say anything else that needs to be said about Stevie Wonder. Just watch the video and listen to the sheer brilliance of this man.
3. New Edition: Still In Love With You This song made its way after New Edition went on a little bit of a hiatus. When this song first made airwaves, I was stuck to it. I had to buy the tape.
2. Musiq Soulchild: Teachme The sensitive man in me got misty eyed to this song. He dares say what most "macho" men would not admit to. This man teaches us that opening up and being sensitive doesn't make you less of a man.
1. Sade: Sweetest Taboo Its the epitamy of what makes a great love song. The lyrics are outstanding, the voice is sensual and even excellent for love making, and you can even slow dance to it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this song. No holes whatsoever.
I know there was more we missed, but we can't put all our eggs in one basket right? So from the fellas here at the NCV, we wish you and your loved ones a Happy and safe Valentine's Day.
Welcome ladies & gentlemen, the NCV crew is hooking you up today with those special love jams, starting up is ur boy MAC TiNO's TOP 10 Valentines Day Jams. Wish i could spend this LOVE day with someone special but to bad I gottsta work tonight. These are my all time favorite love jams! I've lost my voice a couple times trying to serenade with these jams, so join me as I sing these videos out loud!
10. I gotta start it off with the most obvious joint for Valentines Day, "Cupid" by 112. You can celebrate Valentine's Day all year with this song. This is my 2nd favorite 112 song next to "Only You", I always wondered how Notorius BIG would sound on this remix...but again I wouldn't ruin a masterpiece...
9. Next up I got the ugliest man on the planet with prettiest voice, yes I'm talikin bout Maxwell! Maxwell crafted a masterpiece with "Lifetime" really beautiful song, by a really beautiful man, jk. Perfect Valentines Day song to cherish with someone you feel you could your whole lifetime with...
8. Next up i got the thug version of Boys II Men, Jagged Edge singing "Promise". These thugs sing their hearts out to promise to be with you, and have you as the only one in their life...yeah right!
7. Next up I got my man Joe singing "No One Comes Close". Joe never seems to let me down, this is one of my favorite joints to loose my voice to. Good job Joe keep them hits comin brotha...
6. This next jam is my straight up wedding song! UNV's "So In Love With You".
5. My next love jam comes from the most gangstaest movie ever, Menace II Society. Hi-Five's "Unconditional Love" was a definite creeper in the movie, next to the bum who told O-Dog that he would suck his dick, ewwwwwwwwww...
R.I.P. to the leader singer of the group Tony Thompson.
4. Next up is Keith Martin's "Never Find Someone Like You". Keith Martin is a super underrated artist. He goes all out with Never Find Someone Like You, I love every lyric and note to this jam...
3. Next up it's all about the jam please mind the corny 90210 slides show video! Like I said before Shanice was my first crush, "Saving Forever For You" straight melted my heart, I LOVE YOU GIRL!
2. Next up is my personal bump and grind song, I'm really Ginuwine is disguise! "So Anxious" will drop panties fast, I know from experience!
1. (Drum roll please) Last up is Musiq Soulchild's "Don't Change" This song is about loving someone through all the ups and downs, I know that from experience, I dedicate this to all you Valentiners. Love is the greatest gift you can ever give someone, you don't even have to be in love with someone just as long as you make this love movement spread then you should be conitually blessed!
Here's Shanezoola's additions to Ghetto love Wednesday. My man Tino was bringin' heat from the 90's but my additions are both a mix of old and new school. Whatever the case, you readers out there enjoy!
Diana Ross and the Supremes: Love Child
NOTE TO MACTINO: Delta Microbiology Class
Busta Rhymes featuring Will-I-Am: I Love My Chick
1. Gabrielle Union=Made The Video! 2. Did they just compare Busta Rhymes to Brad Pitt? Who's next Craig Mack to George Clooney?
MoKenStef: He's Mine
"Mighta had him once but I got him all the time."
Dana Harris: As We Lay (90's Version)
Sparkle Featuring R.Kelly: Be Careful
I wanted to focus more on the negative aspects of ghetto love, but whatever the case may be some couples like to stick it out through thick and thin, and even as foul an act as can be, ones still manage to continue on. These songs are dedicated for those people.
Today for love week the NCV crew is hookin you up with some ghetto love classics. Ghetto love is on a whole new level, when you got ghetto love for someone you are down for life for your nigga feel me. A ride or die chick that's what I'm talkin about, someone to have your kids with at the same time rob a bank with, lol. Basically ghetto love is love through thick and thin, rags and riches...
Da Brat is praly the ghettoest chick out there what better way to start off ghetto love with her song "Ghetto Love" ft. T-Boz...
BARRY EUGENE WHITE: September 12, 1944- July 4, 2003
What else can you say? With this being Love Week, who better to honor than the greatest love song singer in history? Imagine how many of you were conceived to a Barry White song? That deep ass voice of his not only made the ladies go ooh and ahh, but it made the panties drop. So here are some of his classics.
Never Gonna Give You Up
Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Babe
Just The Way You Are
My First My Last My Everything
Let Me In and Let Me Begin With Love
See The Trouble With Me
Whatever the case, Barry White is a love legend. There is no "love song" without Barry White. He is an icon. A symbol of something so great that he is immortalized by it. Do me a favor and check your cd collection, mp3's, or even tapes and see if there isn't a Barry White song there. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but his music will always live on forever. R.I.P Barry White.