Well ladies and gentlemen, for those who don't know your boy Shanezoola, I am an avid Pittsburgh Penguins fan and has been since 92 when I moved to America with my mom and the first sporting event that I watched on TV was Game 4 of The Penguins/Blackhawks Stanley Cup Final. After that, I was hooked. So since then, I have gone into a season full of hope, only to either not make it or even left me disappointed and with a bad taste in my mouth. Last year, it was the first time my Pens have made it to the playoffs since my 18th Birthday (2001). But in a blink of an eye, it was abruptly ended by one team, the OTTAWA SENATORS. It was heartbreaking but they were young and inexperienced. This year, who do we get in the first round? THE OTTAWA SENATORS. Payback is a bitch ain't it? So this year, I'm trying something different. I HATE FACIAL HAIR! And I've always read about the hockey tradition of the playoff beard and I wanted to challenge myself. This playoff year, I am attempting it. I will not shave (only one exemption: WORK, I might have to clean it up)until the Penguins get eliminated from the playoffs or win the Stanley Cup in June. I will be chronicling every moment of the "Beard" after each game along with a recap of the game itself for the people out there to follow. For those who have never watched hockey before, read the blog and/or follow me and my Penguins during the run. My facial hair doesn't take long to grow (I shave it every week) so the hair will definitely be noticeable. Funny thing though is there is a patch on my right cheek that never grows so I may look ridiculous and color it in (Well I Look Ridiculous Already With Facial Hair). But for those who are gonna follow the blog, here is the Penguins' first round schedule
Wed April 9: Game 1 @Pittsburgh (TV: Versus)
Fri April 11: Game 2 @Pittsburgh (TV: CBC or Center Ice Packages Only)
Mon April 14: Game 3 @Ottawa (TV: CBC or Versus)
Wed April 16: Game 4 @Ottawa (TV: CBC or Versus)
Sat April 19: Game 5 *If Necessary @Pittsburgh (TV: Versus)
Sun April 20: Game 6 *If Necessary @Ottawa (TV: NBC)
Tue April 22: Game 7 *If Necessary @Pittsburgh (TV: Versus)
So here are some pics and videos for you all in the first installation of The Chronicles Of A Playoff Beard By Shanezoola!
Before The Final Shave... This was only 6 Days...
After last shave...