A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TUESDAY TO MY BOY SANTINO! Sit back and enjoy this little tribute from yo' boy. I'll get this out of the way.
For those who are always curious to why me and Tino always have to mention or even bump this song, here's a little flashback. It started when we were seniors in high school and nearing graduation, there was a little survey for the school paper, and one of the questions posed was what song would you dedicate to a classmate and why? Without hesitation, Tino put in print "I WOULD LIKE TO DEDICATE THE KARATE KID THEME SONG TO SHANE RAMOS BECAUSE I AM THE MAN WHO WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR HONOR." From then on, it started. On his wedding day, I will serenade you with this one brother. I will even grow my hair out like Peter Cetera.
Ok, here's my little tribute to you. Let's flashback shall we about seven years ago. Remember what you wrote on my yearbook that year?
Well let's take it back to Dunne's class for old times sakes shall we?
Setting: Dunne's Class
Game: PP Patrol
Participants: Me, Tino, Zunz, Brando (Only when he wasn't writing rhymes)
Object: First one to spot the panties win.
Someone has a special message for you.
Whatever it is homeboy we've been through a lot. There's been a lot of shit in high school and now, but I'm glad you're my homie. So Happy Birfaday and please enjoy these music videos from me to you.
'Nuff said
You're my Inspiration. Tino.
No matter how bad it may seem my friend. You gotta hold on OK.
Remember, we all those jokes... Don't take it personal aight.
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