24. Bushwhackers
In honor of Zack and Brandon, here is their theme. Everytime you hear this music, you just want to wave your arms up and down and act like an idiot. I will always remember the Bushwhackers though when they wrestled Carl Winslow and Urkel on Family Matters.
23. Yokozuna
The music reminded you of the sounds when you first enter a Chinese or Japanese restaurant. Also the song can totally be on the Karate Kid soundtrack.
22. Tatanka
You know you wanted to do the tomahawk chop when you hear the Indian noise. I can't believe this guy actually went undefeated for almost a year.
21. Mark Henry
You cannot tell me this song isn't hilarious. Sexual chocolate was an awesome character name and the Barry Whitish deep voice just added to the hilarity of this song.
20. Kamala
Kamala was one of those wrestlers that you just can't help laugh at when he comes to the ring. He is supposed to be a beast on the way to the ring, but he just looks like a retard. Plus the song makes him even more retarded on the way to the ring. This one makes the list because of its funny factor.
19. Big Bossman
Hard Times was a cool song and you always imagined the Big Bossman sprinting down the aisle into the ring and twirling his nightstick.
18. Ric Flair
The original one was the best. The flashy robe the smug bastard attitude and the legend. What I loved most about his song is it always leaves you wanting to belt out a "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
17. Mr. Perfect
What a theme! He was probably my 3rd favorite bad guy of all time. I will always remember him walking down the aisle, throwing his towel behind his back and swatting his gum at the audience.
16. Stone Cold Steve Austin
The glass breaking just tells you someone is about to get their ass kicked. Plus he'll enjoy a beer doing it. Anyplace where you can drink a beer after performing a violent act on someone is always a bonus for a guy.
15. Val Venis
HELLLLLLLOOOOO LADIES! Do I even need to say anything else?
14. Ravishing Rick Rude
My FAVORITE BAD GUY! (2nd Rick Martel) The highlight of his entrances is how he always dazzles the ladies and absolutely jobbing all the guys on how fat they are. Such a simple but yet so effective bad guy routine.
13. Demolition
Here comes the Ax, Here comes the smasher, The Demolition, Walking Disaster... Pain and destruction is our middle name!!! Aside from the "Gimp" outfit, they were such an effective tag team!
12. Kane
Big Red Machine with the fire and fireworks. The mask was much better and you knew whoever he faced was about to be destroyed.
11. Undertaker
The tolling bells was chilling. Paul Bearer leading him into the ring. The eyes staring death through you. What a classic theme for a classic character.
10. Macho Man
You knew a part of you on your graduation, while playing this song made you want to jump on your seat and yell "OOOOOOH YEEEEEEAH!"
9. Legion Of Doom
To The Dumadag bros. What a rush with those spike shoulder pads and the Doomsday Device, the song just smelled like an ass whippin!
8. Nation Of Domination
THIS IS FOR THE CREW. Not a lot of words to it, but its just to the damn point. To all the members, WE ARE THE NATION OF DOMINATION!
7. Degeneration X
The anthem that made crotch chopping popular. The crowd goes so amped for their songs and this was actually the only time where you can say suck it without getting slapped by a hooker or your girlfriend.
6. Million Dollar Man
I swear to you that this song can be made into a rap song. Listen to the words.. Everybody's got a price, everybody has to pay, cause the Million Dollar Man, always gets his way. I can see Lil Wayne or someone singing this as a hook.
5. Razor Ramon
C'mon chico. The screeching car made you want to grease up your hair and flick your toothpick at someone. This song, like him oozes machismo!
4. Shawn Michaels
He can't sing worth the shits but this theme is catchy. Scuba Steve was right, he should enter every club to this song. It is the absolute theme for conceitedness.
3. Hart Foundation
C'mon you have to give it up to the greatest tag team ever. You hear this and you want to wear the pink and black attack. It was cool to wear pink and be a badass! You just want to execute your days like the Hitman while being a workhorse and be powerful just like the Anvil.
2. Ultimate Warrior
This song is one of those in your playlist that you have to play when your running. Especially when you're on your last legs. Cause you want to sprint to the ring like the Warrior and when you're done, your adrenaline wants you to keep shaking whatever is near you and pound your chest too!
1. Hulk Hogan
What would wrestling be without the Real American? This song is wrestling. Hulk Hogan is wrestling! You know when you hear it you want to stand up and do his poses right? Hulkamania like the Nation of Domination will run wild and live forever!
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