10. Coming To America
Randy Watson and Sexual Chocolate
This scene is always funny and always puts me in a great mood listening to it.
9. Friday
The Bernie Mac Scene
When I first watched got the DVD to this movie, i rewinded this scene so many times. I just thought it was absolutely hilarious!
8. Tommy Boy
Housekeeping Scene
Fat guys are funnier! Tell me you have never imitated this scene when you were at a hotel?
7. Zoolander
Props to Chris for finding this gem
6. CB4
King Kong Balls!
5. Billy Madison
Old Man Clemmins
4. House Party 3
The Dinner Scene
Reynaldo Rey and Bernie Mac just carried this scene!
3. Dumb and Dumber
In a movie full of funny scenes, this one stood out! How funny was that Mexican family singing with the guys?
2. Office Space
"O" Face
This is the only thing you would know about Mike Relm.
1. Anchorman
What The Hell Bro?
The ultimate ode to THE NATION!
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