Thursday, January 10, 2008


T&A Thursday's is dedicated to the woman's anatomy! So get ready for the videos that make you go DAMMMMMMMMMMMMM over some T&A. Thong songs, booty shakers, shake your moneymakers, the NCV crew has probably seen em all. So to start T&A Thursday here goes the ultimate booty song, Sir-Mix-Alot's "Baby Got Back"...

I'm going to start a signed petition to get BET Uncut back on the airwaves, ain't nothin like coming back home late at night to put you to bed with more wet dreams. Every time i turned on to BET Uncut I seemed to always catch a titty and ass there of Ludacris's "Booty Poppin", but never the whole video. So here at NCV I'm hooking you up...

This last jam goes out to all "My Boos" out there...

There's more where that came from, check back in next Thursday for more bootytlicious jams...