Friday, January 18, 2008


This sucka shaneSCREWYA still wants more, let's see what i got in the arsenal to prove that I won this thing...

To start off Round #4 with a bang is Atlantic Star's classic duet "Always". This is my karaoke jam! Get a few drinks in a me, find a duet partner and I'm ready to go...

A duet battle ain't a good duet battle unless it involves some Aaron Neville ladies and gentlemen. Here's a classic duet by Aaron Neville & Linda Rondstadt "I Don't Know Much"...I don't know much else you can do to top me shane-o-WHACK...

The last duet for this round will really make you scream, it's Michael & Janet Jackson's "Scream". Michael Jackson hasn't looked any whiter than in this video, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

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What you got for me shane-o-WHACK!?!

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